Met up in Manchester before getting the train into Leeds, the ride there was pretty good, the anxiety was wearing away a bit, and yeah, was feeling pretty good.
Nothing major really happened in the centre, we found this Karaoke bar which had this like Chinese lager for like a quid twenty so started hitting that shit, this place had pictures of all famous musicians from Johnny Cash to David Bowie, so was pretty cool decor. A trip to the toilet nearly killed me, it was like the Crystal fucking Maze, you had to plan an hour in advance just to take a slash.
We get into the gig and find our guy, the guy who we arrange the interview with, he said he'll sort something for like mid support bands.
Say hi to everyone but Brendan, who isn't about right now.
As the gig goes on, the merch guy/tour manager becomes more and more evasive about the prospect of an interview, but we stuck at it, and finally got a ten minute quick one in a corridor whilst being hassled by the security for hanging around.
I haven't heard the audio, but apparently the guy who arranged the interview with us, Mr. so fucking evasive, is in the background referring to us as "those fucking dorks." What a piece of shit. I know, I can't do my job properly, I make promises that I clearly can't uphold because I am nothing more than a piece of shit, so I'll take shots at these kids who've travelled fucking miles for this because I'm a no life piece of shit who needs to put other people down to make up for my own short comings, fuck you.
After the gig one of the guys from the support bands invites out for a drink with them all, much to the displeasure of the giant crock of shit. But we go anyway, there's this fucking awesome bar that has loads of Chicago punk scene music playing, or did that night, might of been intentional, and we spent the rest of the night getting messed with the Lawrence Arms and shooting the shit about pretty much everything I could blab about.
In the morning.
I have never felt this rough ever, was it worth it?
You damn fucking right it was.