Such a fucking idiot.
Later on, chilling out with my nan, with my pants back, watching Louis Theroux on plastic surgery, I hate that shit so much, it's lazy, fake, plastic bullshit. There's not enough hours in the day for me to finish this rant, as with many of the stuff that pisses me off, Theroux is funny as hell though. I dig what he does, the guy's out there in the heat of it, getting his hands dirty, getting the real "scoop" as it were, on any subject he gets involved with. This fake plastic shit makes me glad, that when I do better myself, physically or otherwise, I work at it and develop myself and learn, not take some bullshit quitters way out, empty the bank account for "perfection" that makes you look like a Barbie doll with scars.
"New! Self-harm Barbie!"
Bet it'd sell loads.
You don't learn anything by taking the easy way out.
That's weak, so fucking weak.