Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Southport - 27/04/10

Food, check.
Water, check.
Tickets, check.
Maybe it's just been so long since I've been with someone, since I got laid to be blunt, but everyone is starting to look attractive on this train. The generic "Unn Tiss" of shitty Rnb/Dance pop bullshit blares from the earphones of attractive lady number one sat in front of me. Tinnitus I'm sure. Spanish audio lessons should drown her out, hopefully soon I'll learn, "Turn that shit off."
I've been here about an hour now, there doesn't seem to be anything really to do, what a dump, that being said, I'm pretty damn happy, it's been a while since I hit the road with any real distance solo and I'm glad to be here, miles away, knowing no one, relaxed, well as relaxed as I can be, I'm still me.
I've found a lot of cool books in the charity shops; Hagakuri, the way of the samurai; Jarhead, a book about the gulf war from a soldiers perspective, if I said I wasn't a massive fan of the army, it'd be an understatement, but as a book, it's pretty good; and Celtic Britain, history just interests the hell out of me.
Sat on the beach eating, not much of a beach, can't see the sea and can barely even smell it, just water logged sand for miles. I suppose I can't blame Southport for England's dumb weather, fuck it, yeah I can.
Still got some food left but I'm pretty full, whoever said eating healthy doesn't fill you up is obviously some stupid fat fuck.
I climb a wall the up the pier side, when I get on the wall a nearby lady grabs her bad tight, do I really look that much of a bastard? From the end of the pier I can see Blackpool, I wonder if all seaside towns are as boring as Southport is today.
On the way back down there's a "Hall of Mirrors," but really, am I that immature?
I think these are really intended for kids, I don't look anything like the descriptions, "Proper Geezer," looks more like, "Wide Twat."
I think the only reason anyone comes to Southport is for the shitty theme park, which is closed, looks like something out of a zombie film.
After walking around a 2000 floor furniture shop and playing a broken piano, I decided to call it quits, so here I am, waiting for a train I'm not even sure is coming.
The most interesting thing I visited today was the eco centre, it had a picture of Southport submerged in water with the caption, "Do you want this to be Southport's future?"
Thing is, I kinda did.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Uncle Dodge

I found out today that, unfortunately, they have lost the baby.

An open letter to Argos Girl

Dear Argos girl,
I think your name was Amy, but I was so mesmerised by you, I didn't look at your name badge very long.
I have always been an advocate of women in the workplace, it is a very attractive quality, give me a lady in a Tesco tunic over a boob tube any day.
I hope one day I will get the balls to talk to you as a person, not just as a consumer talking to a worker bee, though I will remember my manners even when you aren't taking my cash for catalogue items.
Please, thank you.
I hope our conversations will stem into something far deeper than pleasantries.
......one day.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Group Therapy

I had my first group therapy session today, there's a lady who has had anxiety issues for about 15 years, this poor woman was sat there shaking the entire 2 hours, her husband had to escort her to and from the door.
Shit like that destroys me, she's totally immobilised by her own mentality.
It makes me feel like maybe my problems aren't anything to moan about, the anxiety kicks my arse a lot, but not like that, she seemed terrified to the point of insanity, I wouldn't be surprised if it was her first time out of the house in months.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

The Wall

I watched "Run Fatboy Run" with Simon Pegg today.
It isn't a great film, I like him a lot, but this isn't his strongest work.
There's a part in the film where his body and spirit gives in on him, and apparently, in athletic terms, they call that "hitting the wall" so basically, the scene is, him hitting at this wall until it gives and he can carry on to his goal.
I think that is such an incredible metaphor for hard times in life.

Friday, 16 April 2010

Uncle Dodge

Today I found out I am going to be an uncle.